Individuals, Families and Peer Groups: 

Enjoy participating in weekly reminiscence and recall sessions, sharing your biography with friends, and having it reproduced in booklet form.


Capture life’s most memorable events:

Commission ECS to produce a legacy booklet for you or a loved one so that it can be passed along to the family. The booklet will be filled with stories, gems of wisdom and pictures against a backdrop of important historical events. Tell your story to a scriber in six scheduled one hour sessions.

The sessions can be for an individual or group as follows:

  • Individual
  • Family Members
  • Peer Group

This legacy booklet will bring you years of enjoyment reminiscing about the events that were most important in your loved ones life. Never will you have to regret not knowing your family history and something of their innermost thoughts and dreams.

Avoid having the following regrets:

“There never seems to be enough time to share the stories of my childhood and background to how I came to this place in time,” says grandmother.

“I wish I knew what it was like when my mother was growing up. What did she think about her parents? What did she think about school? How did she and dad meet? What were her dreams?” said her daughter. She thought, “With work, children of my own, and other commitments, there were just too many things going on to sit and chat with mom.”     Never will you have to live with this regret if you act today.

Make the Legacy Booklet experience a Gift:

Call today and make an appointment. The first visit is a “free” get acquainted session; six consecutive sessions follow.   The participants find these sessions very engaging and fun, and they enjoy and look forward to the companionship. So call today so you can share and keep those beautiful memories.
